Almost Eight Out of Ten Speed Sights Sales are to Law Enforcement! See What LEO’s Have to Say.
“Our officers qualification scores go up at least 20 points with the Speed Sights.”
-J.M. MCSO, Department Instructor
“I was just at a tough 4 day combat pistol program with the new Speed Sights. They had us throw our guns down into mud, dust, gravel, snow...the Speed Sights passed all the tests with flying colors. I must have tried 20 different sights over the years, but the performance of the Speed Sights was just unbelievable.”
“At the next qualification...I let officers who were marginal shooters test the speed sights. The majority of the comments were positive and most of them stated that their sights were quicker to acquire on target, that the high contrast between front and rear sights were superb. I’m the firearms instructor for the department and I saw a definite improvement with our marginal shooters; their qualification scores increased 20% to 30%. I greatly endorse these “speedsights” in that it improves my officer’s shooting skills & marksmanship.Please e-mail me a price list of the speedsights. This department will be purchasing some of your speedsights. Thanks again!”
- R.N., Assistant Chief, Department Marksmanship Instructor.
“When I was just half way into my presentation my eyes had already picked up the sight picture and I had two rounds headed downrange. Fastest sights I’ve ever shot.”
- U.S. Marshal
“Let me put it this way....I’ve tried many, many other brands of sights...Meprolights, Trijicons, fiber optics....these are the best I’ve seen yet...I’d fight anyone who tried to take them off my gun.”
- Executive Protection Team Leader
“You probably hear this frequently from other shooters, but your sights ROCK, especially at up ‘close and personal’ distances.”
- Special Agent, NCIS, USSOCOM
About Speed Sights
Advanced Design and Engineering is an American company created by shooters like you. Our products are inspired by our desire to shoot our best and give the same kind of service we appreciate when we shop for firearm products. For more information please contact, or visit