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CMC Government Supply Providing ArcGIS To Local Government For Over 25 Years

CMC Government Supply has always offered the best quality tools to help public servants do their jobs more effectively. As a result of this focus, CMC Government Supply has partnered with ESRI for over 25 years and offers ArcGIS for Local Government. A geographic information system is the best way for different segments of local government to combine information in one location and make it more useful for every part of government, including planning, public works, emergency management, and law enforcement.

ArcGIS for Local GovernmentAuditors and planners can use ArcGIS to manage an inventory of properties, analyze land values, and convey zoning regulations. The Tax Parcel Editing map maintains the archive of tax parcels, subdivisions, encumbrances, and related survey framework. Tax collection staff can use the software’s maps to identify, post, and sell tax delinquent properties. ArcGIS also provides public access to property data on smartphones and desktop computers. The Tax Map Book app can produce tax maps and mapping technicians can easily collect and manage road centerlines with address ranges and related mailing address data.

Many local governments use ArcGIS to maintain sewer and storm water records and to plan capital improvements. A collection of web-based maps provide employees information about water, sewer, and storm water records. Maintenance workers use maps and apps to learn about the history of specific areas of piping. ArcGIS shows water violations and makes suggestions for water restrictions, making the software a valuable asset to achieve green goals.

CMC provides ArcGIS to Emergency Management teams who can use ArcGIS to create response plans, easily update structural damage assessments during and after an emergency, and to teach residents about the hazards and evacuation routes. The Flood Planning map can be used by emergency management personnel to study the effects of seasonal flooding and develop response plans.

For law enforcement, ArcGIS means effective allocation of resources to protect residents and property. Officers use the software to visualize crime trends, plan special events, and understand incidents by compiling information into one area. One app allows local residents to submit requests for service in their community from a smartphone or desktop computer. Another feature for law enforcement officers is the ability to conduct field interviews and complete field contact reports.

CMC Government Supply continues to serve as a trusted provider of ArcGIS for Desktop along with ArcGIS extension for detailed analysis like 3D Analyst and more. Visit for more information.