LANCASTER, Pa.- PlanIt Schedule will be “attending” the IACP Virtual Expo this year to spread awareness about their robust yet easy-to-use online officer scheduling software.
The International Association of Chiefs of Police has decided to hold their annual conference and exposition online this year. The virtual expo will take place from Oct. 20th - 22nd from 10:00 am – 4:00 pm EDT. The conference will continue until the 23rd and will provide attendees with over 175 educational sessions covering critical topics revolving around the policing profession. Information for attendees and vendors about the event can be found at
While there will be live sessions provided, many of the workshops will simply be available on-demand for 12 months on IACP’s virtual meeting portal. In addition to the educational workshops, there will be the virtual exhibit hall. Every year, the exhibit hall showcases hundreds of vendors who share the latest technology, trends, and products to help agencies thrive. PlanIt Schedule has a virtual booth showcasing their officer scheduling software - PlanIt Police.
PlanIt Police helps hundreds of law enforcement agencies throughout the U.S. manage schedules for their sworn officers/deputies, civilians, command staff, detectives, and more. With PlanIt, police departments are able to increase communication and streamline scheduling tasks (like time off, overtime, and open shifts). This results in improvements to employee morale, a reduced amount of staffing errors, and increased time for command staff to focus on more important job duties.
On top of that, the system keeps and audit trail of almost every action made. So, if someone was put into a shift they did not know about, moved to a different unit, etc. they can always go back and check to see what happened. Administrators always have access to export reports to pull information such as payroll hours, time off hours by bank, overtime hours by code/assignment, and open shift history.
The PlanIt team even rolled out a couple new features this year to aid departments with new procedures due to COVID-19. Read more about that here:
“It has made scheduling sooooo much easier. PlanIt has for sure changed the way we do scheduling. What used to be really time consuming has become much easier and is now streamlined. The Chief and I are able to complete scheduling and payroll much faster now, allowing for us to be able to better concentrate on other needs of the department.” - Lt. Brian Curtis, Mechanicsburg Police Department
About PlanIt Schedule: With over 15 years of experience, the PlanIt team takes pride in their expertise with public safety scheduling. They provide a robust yet easy-to-use personnel scheduling system for law enforcement, EMS, fire and dispatch agencies. To learn more please visit