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IAED Hosts Successful 2015 Euro Navigator in the Netherlands

SALT LAKE CITY—The International Academies of Emergency Dispatch® (IAED™) presented another successful Euro NAVIGATOR conference Sept. 16–18 in Leiden, Netherlands.

Euro NAVIGATOR is one of eight international events presented by the IAED annually as premier educational conferences for medical, fire, and police public safety and emergency response professionals.

More than 160 attendees from the Netherlands, Austria, Germany, and Switzerland participated in the three-day event that included separate tracks of sessions in Dutch, German, and Italian. Workshops and courses focused on various elements and topics related to the protocols contained in the IAED’s Priority Dispatch System™ (PDS™).

Sjef Taabe, an emergency medical dispatcher with the Netherland’s Regional Ambulance Service Brabant-West Nord, Den Bosh, received the Euro NAVIGATOR 2015 Dispatcher of the Year Award for on-the-job excellence in providing the IAED Medical Priority Dispatch System’s™ (MPDS®) Pre-Arrival Instructions to a caller delivering an infant. Dr. Jeff Clawson, creator of the PDS and co-founder of the IAED, and Dr. Harm van de Pas, Medical Manager with the same agency as Taabe, presented the award to Taabe.

“Sjef is first among his peers,” van de Pas said. “He has mastered the skill to challenge his colleagues to improve their skills, and at the same time, being loved for doing so.”

Another highlight of Euro NAVIGATOR 2015 was the presentation of an Accredited Center of Excellence (ACE) re-accreditation award to 144 Notruf Niederösterreich in Austria. In 2009, the emergency services agency became the first agency in continental Europe to earn ACE status with the IAED, and it has since twice renewed its accreditation.

“The conference was a success in every way,” said Netherlands-based IAED Instructor Paul Engelen.
Dignitaries attending Euro NAVIGATOR were Leiden, Netherlands, Mayor Henri Lenferink, IAED President Scott Freitag, and Priority Dispatch Corp.™ (PDC™) President Alan Fletcher.

About the IAED
The IAED is the world’s foremost standard-setting, certification-granting organization for emergency communications with over 57,000 members in 45 countries. More than 3,000 communication centers in 21 languages and dialects
employ IAED’s protocols and training in medical, fire, police, and emergency nurse triage dispatching. Of those, nearly 200 comm. centers have become Accredited Centers of Excellence (ACEs).

About PDC
Priority Dispatch Corp. provides research-based protocol solutions to emergency call centers in medical, fire, police, and nurse triage disciplines. PDC is the only dispatch system provider with an in-house research and development organization and the approval of a recognized body of industry experts, the International Academies of Emergency Dispatch (IAED).