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IUPA Launches Local Union Management Seminars

In mid-June the International Union of Police Associations, AFL-CIO conducted the first of a series of seminars designed to provide management skills to local leaders. The initial two day seminar was held in Baton Rouge, LA drawing fifty participants from Texas, Louisiana and Mississippi.

Moderated by International Vice President Dennis J. Slocumb, the first day featured Timothy A. Scott, International Secretary-Treasurer; Dave Nulton, IUPA Director of Field Operations; Jeff May, CPA, May & Barnhard, P.C.; and David George, Vice President of Sales, Flagstar Bank.

Dennis Slocumb opened the session by describing the new and growing benefits available to union members as well as the best means for internal organizing and collective bargaining. One of those benefits was discussed at length by David George who explained how Flagstar Bank joined with the IUPA to offer the My Community Program. The program is available to members, family, and personal referrals. Benefits for IUPA members include no application fees, free pre-approval, preferred interest rates, no-cost loan and credit counseling, a $750 closing cost credit, and mortgage loans.

In concluding the initial session, Dave Nulton expanded on Slocumb’s discussion of organizing techniques to include the development of new locals.

Scott’s presentation stressed the need and methods for structuring a solid constitution and by-laws and especially for ensuring adherence to these important documents. He then explained how to successfully operate the financial structure of a successful local and the importance of maintaining good records.

The session concluded with Jeff May’s presentation on how to make sense of the financial regulations governing unions and how to structure a budget, especially when starting a new local.

A second seminar designed to cover the western states is set for September 8, 2006 at the Hyatt Regency in Denver, CO featuring such topics as the financial aspects of operating a local, proper internal structures, understanding collecting bargaining, how to establish benefits, and ways to protect a local against liabilities.

Although dates have not yet been set, a third seminar will be held at a location that will attract union members and officials from the Mid-West and a fourth to accommodate members from the Mid-Atlantic and Northeastern states.

Details on the Denver seminar can be found at and the two others will be posted as information becomes available.