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Baker Batshield® Announces New “Personal Shield” for Patrol First Responders

Our country’s schools, workplaces, and centers of public assembly have all been attacked repeatedly in the space of just a few short years.

Baker Batshield As a result, the patrol element of law enforcement has been increasingly tasked to take tactical initiative prior to the arrival of more highly trained and equipped personnel.

Within the context of protecting the new homeland, awaiting backup is becoming less of a viable option. A new public expectation increasingly calls for a proactive, hurry-up offense and direct approach to neutralizing violence in progress. This new patrol function requires speed, firearms accuracy and maximum protection for the responding patrol asset when entering a dangerous dynamic situation. Lives literally depend upon the individual Patrol Officer surviving a hostile encounter.

As duties of first-responders become riskier, the versatile Baker Batshield® brings a significant level of personal safety and firearms proficiency to the task of immediate action rapid deployment. Easily transported inside patrol vehicles and quickly deployable with minimal training, the lightweight Baker Batshield® is ideally suited to reduce risk during life-threatening situations - for both the shield bearer and the general public. The Baker Batshield® literally allows first responders to bring their ballistic “cover” with them!

See the new Baker Batshield® “in action” videos on a high-speed internet connection at or call 717.295.6800