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Defensive tactics/arrest & control instructor course: Sept 17-28, Santa Barbara

Course Announcement



Presented by
International Training Resources

Santa Barbara, California

September 17—28 2007


The course is designed to provide the law enforcement defensive tactics instructor with the technical and instructional skills necessary to instruct in the areas of weaponless defense, impact weapons and mechanics of arrest. The curriculum encompasses the various force options and force transitions relative to escalation and de-escalation. The course curriculum is structured toward the integration of use of force procedures, thereby providing the instructor the capability of training officers to appropriately address the entire use of force spectrum in law enforcement situations.

The course will also teach techniques for surviving an assault that continues after the law enforcement officer has been taken to the ground. Emphasis will be placed on falling techniques which minimize the disabling effects of impact with the ground, ground grappling responses and escapes, ground grappling control procedures, personal weapons and the carotid restraint. The procedures and techniques will be integrated with confrontation-oriented equipment to better address the ever-changing scenario of confrontation and real life work situations.

Integration of firearms and small unit tactical arrest scenarios make this course ideal for agency, tactical team and narcotics team defensive tactics instructors.

Major blocks of instruction include the following:
Basic Defensive Tactics Principles
Selecting Integrated Techniques and Procedures
Defensive Procedures for Physical Assault
Subject Control and Movement Techniques
Restraining Device—The Standard Handcuff
Searching of Subject Incident to Arrest
Cursory Searches
Handcuffing—Tactical Considerations
Handcuffing—Multiple Subject Arrests
Ground Self Defense Procedures
Physical Entanglement Procedures
Carotid Restraint Control Technique
Sudden In Custody Death Syndrome
Weapon Retention Techniques
Disarming Techniques
Police Impact Weapons Overview
The Straight and Collapsible Baton
Methods of Instruction
Developing Instructional Outlines

A Defensive Tactics Instructor Manual will be provided.

Dave Bliss - 32 years experience in combined municipal law enforcement service and law enforcement training as a SWAT Team Member, Leader, Team Commander, Tactical Commander, Basic, Advanced and Command SWAT Instructor, Firearms Instructor and Defensive Tactics Instructor for federal, state and local law enforcement agencies.

Michael M. Nakamura: FBI Agent and Instructor (Ret.). Mr. Nakamura has 24 years of service with the FBI where he served as a Tactical, Firearms, and Defensive Tactics Instructor including five years as the national program manager and instructor of the FBI defensive tactics program.

Brent Ambrose: Burbank Police Dept. 20 years law enforcement experience. Tactical team member, Burbank PD lead defensive tactics instructor, Krav Maga Institute Series 1 – 5 Police Instructor Certification and California POST Subject Matter Expert in Police Use of Force. President of the California Association Force Instructors (CAFI), and Inductee in the Martial Arts Masters Hall of Fame.

The Hotel Mar Monte, 1425 1111 East Cabrillo Blvd., Santa Barbara CA 93101

Equipment required for this course includes: athletic clothing, handcuffs and handcuff key, department authorized leather gear, handgun or training handgun, and straight or collapsible baton.

POST Plan II, 80 hours, Mon – Fri, 0800-1700

Each person must pass practical application and written tests to successfully complete the course. Participants must have passed their department Defensive Tactics Team qualification course. ITR will not conduct a PT test.

The course is limited to 30 participants on a first come first served basis. The course fee is $800.00 per participant. Contact ITR at the phone number below to register. Please leave a name, phone number, and fax number if your call is answered by the voice mail system.

International Training Resources, LLC.
P.O. Box 390227
Mountain View, CA 94039-0327
Telephone (650) 967-7057
FAX (650) 967-7053

A block of rooms is being held at the Mar Monte Hotel, 1111 East Cabrillo Boulevard – Santa Barbara, CA 93103 (800 643-1994). You must mention International Training Resources for the group rate. Please register as soon as possible to assure a room at the hotel/training site. The Director of Sales is Mr. David McCarthy.