It’s almost time for the 21st Annual New Jersey Emergency Preparedness Association (NJEPA) Conference. We are a non-profit 501c3 organization, whose sole purpose and responsibility is to provide affordable emergency preparedness training to local, regional and state emergency managers and first responders. The annual conference serves as a forum for public and private sector emergency managers to meet and discuss emergency planning issues affecting them and their regions. The conference also provides an opportunity for attendees to learn the latest trends in planning and technology in emergency preparedness and homeland security. The conference brings together experts in a wide variety of disciplines that are applicable to the emergency management field to deliver certified training courses and informative breakout sessions. The objective is to prepare the attendees to deal with disasters that may occur in their community. CEUs are offered for the majority of the training and breakout sessions.
Last year we celebrated 20 years of growing this conference to what it is today. As we embark on the next 20 years, we don’t want to lose site of where we started in 1999 as the Hurricane Preparedness Seminar – a single day event to promote local issues to coastal area emergency managers. It later expanded to two days until the events of 9/11 changed the focus of emergency preparedness and the conference was renamed the New Jersey Emergency Preparedness Conference. This enabled the NJEPA to present topics of a broader range to the first responder community as well as private partners in emergency preparedness. The first program hosted approximately two hundred people. Last year nearly 1300 people were registered for the Conference.
The 21st Annual New Jersey Emergency Preparedness Conference will take place at the Tropicana Casino Resort in Atlantic City, NJ, April 29th-May 3rd, 2019.
April 29, 2019: Training Sessions
April 30, 2019: Training Sessions, Breakout Sessions
May 1, 2019: Training Sessions, Breakout Sessions, Exhibit Hall Opens
May 2, 2019: Training Sessions, Breakout Sessions, Exhibit Hall
May 3, 2019: Training Sessions, Breakout Sessions, Special Presentation by Coral Springs Police Department
By 4/26/19: $170
At the door: $205
New for 2019, Student rate $50.
Sponsorship packages are available. Please direct Sponsorship and Exhibit inquiries to Sponsorships@njepa.org or call 609-548-8357.
Charter Letter, Sales Tax Certificate, Tax Exempt Notice NJ Business Registration Certificate, 501c 3 Tax Exempt Letter are available on www.njepa.org