DURHAM, NC— Carolina Academic Press has released the second edition of The Correctional Officer by Lt. Gary F. Cornelius.
The job of today’s correctional officer is a demanding one, whether it is working in an adult prison or in a local jail. The correctional officer has the responsibility to safely confine criminal offenders, and, by doing so, properly keeps the public safe. This book is meant to give the reader, whether a student or a trainee, a clear, realistic understanding of what correctional officers do –– from patrolling cellblocks, preventing escapes and handling security issues to dealing with various types of offenders and their behaviors. Written by a retired jail officer and adjunct professor with over 27 years of experience in confinement, classification, community corrections, correctional officer training and corrections policy development, this updated edition discusses the following topics:
• Corrections: Definition, Offenders, Goals and Functions
• Types of Correctional Facilities
• Correctional Officers: Personnel Issues and Training
• Early Development: Punishment and Early Prisons
• The Development of the Modern Correctional Facility
• An Examination of Today’s Inmate
• Special Populations and Methods of Handling
• Physical Plant and Classification
• Key and Tool Control, Headcounts, Searches and Transportation
• Interacting with Inmates
• Avoiding Manipulation
• Inmate Violence
• The Rights of Inmates
“Gary has dedicated his life to training correctional officers, and he has put his heart and soul into this book in order to help all in the field of corrections. He has instructed at our training academy for many years and our officers have benefited immensely from his training. With this book, all in the corrections field who work with inmates can benefit from Gary’s instruction and experience.” — Vince Ferrara, Executive Director Hampton Roads (VA), Criminal Justice Training Academy
Lt. Gary F. Cornelius served the field of corrections in the Fairfax County Sheriff’s Office from 1978 until his retirement in 2005. He has more than 30 years of experience in law enforcement and corrections. He has a Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Sciences from Edinboro University of Pennsylvania, class of 1974, and is a former officer of the Uniformed Division of the US Secret Service. In his correctional career, Gary has worked in many areas of jail operations, and retired as the Classification Supervisor of the Fairfax County Adult Detention Center. Lt. Cornelius also teaches punishment and corrections, community corrections, and jails at George Mason University, and has been an adjunct faculty member there since 1986. He has taught many seminars on various subjects in corrections. For 20 years he was a certified trainer for the Virginia Department of Criminal Justice Services. He serves as an adjunct instructor for four Virginia criminal justice training academies.
Book Information
The Correctional Officer: A Practical Guide, by Gary F. Cornelius
ISBN 978-1-59460-310-5 • $40.00 • paperback • 406 pp
Special Discount for Corrections1.com: Save 20% at www.cap-press.com through 3/31/11 with this discount code: CORNELIUS