Grafix Shoppe announced the ULT-2123 on a Black 2011 Charger with doors wrapped white as their May Design of the Month. With cost/budget being a driving force in Law Enforcement today more departments are looking at where they can save those precious dollars. One cost savings measure is to wrap squad cars’ doors with vinyl graphics rather than painting them to achieve a black & white color scheme. This gives the department more flexibility and more dollars to spend elsewhere. Check out the black and white door wraps in the image below.
About Grafix Shoppe
Grafix Shoppe is the nation’s premier designer and manufacturer of vehicle graphics for public safety. We have dozens of original, contemporary designs for law enforcement, fire apparatus & staff vehicles and ambulances. Any design can be customized to your specs. Want to customize one of our law enforcement designs on your computer and see the result? Try our customization engine. Or, scan our photo galleries for ideas. When you’re done looking, give us a call!