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Coban Announces the TopCam® Digital Video Recorder

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Coban Throughout our recent discussions with numerous Police Departments nationwide, we are seeing a trend of the departments already having MDT’s (Mobile Data Terminals) installed or are in the process of being purchased. With this in mind, Coban has developed TopCam®. TopCam® is a compact, self-contained headliner designed digital video recorder engineered to maximize available space within police vehicles. It is ideal for vehicles already equipped with MDT’s, or departments seeking to replace outdated analog recording systems.

With our unique headliner mounted system, The department can choose to integrate the TopCam® unit with their existing MDT’s to allow the officer to view the video feed right off of his laptop monitor. We also provide a 4" touch screen LCD panel in the vehicle to allow the officer to view and playback videos they have recorded during their shift. All video is captured in either MPEG1, MPEG2 or MPEG4 formats (depending on the departments requirements) to a removable hard drive which stores approximately 66 hours of MPEG1 video (40 GB Drive) and can be streamed MPEG4 via wireless connection.

For more information on TopCam® or other in-car video solutions from Coban, please visit