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Video: Shaquille O’Neal tests Hellcat patrol car

Shaq recently showed off his crime-fighting vehicle after being sworn in last month

By Police1 Staff

CLAYTON, Ga. — Shaquille O’Neal met up with Sheriff Victor Hill Thursday to showcase the newest patrol car — a Dodge Hellcat.

After being sworn in as an honorary Clayton County sheriff’s deputy in December, Shaq and Hill decided to show off a new patrol car to the public.

“When NBA legend Shaq O’Neal and “THE CRIME FIGHTER” decided that they would team up as the new dynamic duo to combat crime, the question was what type of crime fighting vehicle would be worthy of Clayton’s now most famous deputy,” Hill wrote on Facebook. “Not to be out done by “THE CRIME FIGHTER’s” infamous reputation for driving bad a..... police cars, Shaq broke the mold with a Hell Cat!”

In addition to being a deputy in Georgia, the former NBA star is an honorary U.S. Marshal and a reserve police officer with departments in California, Arizona, and Florida, the Washington Times reported.