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P1 Interactive: SWAT crossword puzzle

Myles Mellor is one of the most prolific puzzle writers in the world. He publishes 80-100 crossword puzzles monthly for magazines and websites as well as a number of other puzzle creations. He is a syndicated puzzle writer for Tribune Media Services and creates diagramless puzzles and cryptograms for newspapers nationally. His credits include 9-1-1 magazine, Shotgun News, Shotgun Sports, Combat handguns, Tactical Knives, LA Times Magazine, Turner TV, Nasdaq, MasterCard, NASA, American Airlines Eagle, The History Channel, IBM, Oracle, Entrepreneur, Dwell, Land’s End, Discover, Planet Green, Primedia, Gannett Press, American Bar Association, Coastal Living, Costco, Conde Naste and hundreds more. He has published 8 crossword books, distributed through the Books-a-million chain nationwide. A selection of his work can be viewed at