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U.S. Warns Americans Traveling Abroad

The New York Times

WASHINGTON - The State Department today advised Americans traveling abroad to be cautious for the rest of the summer, citing the continuing threat of attacks that could be aimed at civilians.

“The U.S. government continues to receive credible indications that extremist individuals are planning additional terrorist actions against U.S. interests,” the State Department said.

“Such actions may be imminent and include suicide operations,” the department said.

The warning supersedes a similar statement issued in March and will be in effect until Oct. 1, the agency said.

The warning said the government had no information on specific targets, timing or method of an attack.

It said that United States citizens should be more conscious of their surroundings at places where Americans are known to congregate or visit, like clubs, restaurants or places of worship, or to avoid those places altogether.

“We remind American citizens to remain vigilant with regard to their personal security and to exercise caution,” the statement advised, adding that “terrorist groups do not distinguish between official and civilian targets.”