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Police chief: Dash cam video ‘doesn’t look good’

Officers acted within policy, Sioux City Police Chief Doug Young said

By Hollie Hojek

Sioux City Police Chief, Doug Young, says the video, which they put on the department’s facebook page, is to help people understand the incident.

“If she [Dacosta Daniels] would have put the phone away, as he requested, this wouldn’t have been an issue,” said Young.

Young says when the officers arrested Daniels, they used the proper defensive tactics. Many wondered, should they have scaled back since it was a woman involved?

“We don’t train this is how you handle a female, this is how you handle a male. We train that these are the techniques to use to get compliance and that’s what we try to do,” said Young.

It’s at this point in the video when many people say the officer went too far, using an arm bat and striking Daniels in her back.

“She was holding onto his shirt, would not let go of his shirt through the whole thing, that resulted in the blows to the upper back, at which time she was still fighting. That’s when the other office had to step in an assist the officer,” said Young.

Dacosta did sustain minor injuries, she got a black eye and bruises.

“It doesn’t look good. But was the officer within policy? yes. Was the officer allowed by state law to use the force necessary to make the arrest? Yes. And that’s what we judge it on. I don’t judge it on whether it looks good or looks bad,” said Young.

Reprinted with permission from KCAU