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John Bowden

On Language, Communication, and Leadership

John Bowden is the founder and director of Applied Police Training and Certification. John retired from the Orlando Police Department as a Master Police Officer In 1994. His career spans a period of 21 years in law enforcement overlapping 25 years of law enforcement instruction. His total of more than 37 years of experience includes all aspects of law enforcement to include: uniform crime scene technician, patrol operations, investigations, undercover operations, planning and research for departmental development, academy coordinator, field training officer and field training supervisor.

Contact John Bowden

Set the scene, by introducing the people, property and other information before it is discussed
Using first person makes your reports more clear and easy to read
Failing to show respect to people may prevent you from getting information essential to your investigation
This important phase of the investigation is not the presentation of evidence — it is where we advise the subject that we know (without a doubt) that they committed the crime
Considering these seven types of witnesses before going into your investigation can maximize the results of your interviews
Considering these six characteristics which affect a subject’s credibility will give you a head start on getting the best information for your case
All the subjects involved in an incident have their own idea of what happened based on their observation of what happened
People do not like to be pushed — they like to be involved in the process, and by their involvement, we can lead them to a confession
A physical trigger can be all it takes to convince a suspect to tell us their story