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Jonathan Page


Jonathan Page is a professor, cognitive neuroscientist and co-founder of the World is Round, LLC. His extensive research on physiological responses to stress and how stress influences behavior led him to pursue new and more effective ways to deal with stress and stressful situations. Jon co-authored a training curriculum that is currently being used in law enforcement academies in the U.S. He also authored the book NeuroCop and has published his research in several professional journals.

Once skills are automated and schemas are activated, a large portion of information processing is taken care of in the subconscious brain
Using your threat detector on a regular basis takes practice; using it appropriately takes training. Here are some tips
In the air, if a fighter pilot needs to direct attention to a specific tactical navigation system for four or five seconds, he or she can do so safely — a pursuit driver does not have that same luxury
The media and pundits say that race affects an officer’s decision to shoot and with some recent police shootings, anecdotal evidence points in that direction as well — but what does science say?
Tac-talk at the “code word” level has been scientifically shown to build neural pathways in the brain that make actions automatic — a proven method for building muscle memory