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Police1 Members

Photo of the Week

Every week, we select a Photo of the Week from a Police1 member to feature in our Member Newsletter, Police1’s Instagram page and Police1’s YouTube channel. Photos range from cruisers to copters to K-9s, and everything in between.

The next time you come across something inspiring on duty, take out the camera and submit it to Police1! Remember to include your name, department information and some background on the picture!

Richland County Sheriff Leon Lott and his deputies out in force ringing the bells
National Park Service officers play a crucial role in protecting the park’s unique ecosystem and ensuring the safety of its visitors
First held in 1920, the Philadelphia Thanksgiving Day Parade is the oldest Thanksgiving Day parade in America
Facility dog Betsy is an invaluable presence at the Wrightstown Community School District, bringing joy and relief to students, staff and officers alike
Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department motor officers are on patrol, but will they catch up with the Formula 1 drivers?
Police1 columnist Todd Fletcher participates in the Double Tap USPSA Championship in Wichita Falls, Texas
The interdictions of this dynamic duo to date include 153 pounds of cocaine, 122 pounds of heroin and an astounding 943 pounds of fentanyl
The citizens of the Greater Cold Spring area erected the memorial “for Officer Thomas Decker, all the nation’s fallen officers and a big thank you for all officers currently serving”
This week’s photo offers a beautiful backdrop to a sharp looking patrol vehicle
Grace’s responsibilities encompass a range of activities designed to engage with the community