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Police1 Members

Photo of the Week

Every week, we select a Photo of the Week from a Police1 member to feature in our Member Newsletter, Police1’s Instagram page and Police1’s YouTube channel. Photos range from cruisers to copters to K-9s, and everything in between.

The next time you come across something inspiring on duty, take out the camera and submit it to Police1! Remember to include your name, department information and some background on the picture!

Thanks to Deputy Elijah Roman of the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office in Colorado for this dramatic shot
The Flagstaff Police Department now has one ZOLL AED Plus defibrillator in every patrol vehicle, funded through a $100K grant from Health First Foundation Northern Arizona and Griffith Blue Heart
Police1 columnist Lindsey Bertomen meets some Stanislaus County Sheriff’s deputies during this week’s National Night Out celebrations
Marine Corps Air Station Miramar provides the backdrop for a once-in-a-lifetime shot
Truckee Police Department officers provide education, enforcement and community engagement while patrolling on their 21-foot police boat
The Carabinieri is one of Italy’s main law enforcement agencies and is the fourth branch of the Italian Armed Forces
“Operation Copsicle” was created to celebrate the outgoing class of fifth-graders transitioning into middle school with a sweet treat
Celebrating independence, valuing protection
School resource officer Nicholas Calello helps one of his students fix his tie before graduation
A Police1 columnist shares a photo of an LEO protecting 32,000 people as they watch a baseball game