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Ron LaPedis

Private Industry and Public Safety

Ron LaPedis is an NRA-certified Chief Range Safety Officer, NRA, USCCA and California DOJ-certified instructor, is a uniformed first responder, and frequently writes and speaks on law enforcement, business continuity, cybersecurity, physical security and public/private partnerships.

He has been recognized as a Fellow of the Business Continuity Institute (FBCI), a Distinguished Fellow of the Ponemon Institute, Master Business Continuity Professional (MBCP), and a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP).

A battle belt needs to hold everything in its place so that a trained response leads to the right tool without thinking
While passive generic or custom in-ear plugs are available, they may inhibit situational awareness, possibly putting you in harm’s way
Like many inventors, Corporal Adam Taylor got his idea for a new product through work
A SHOT Show LEEP session profiled both the professional and personal components to be fit for sniper duty
Attendees naturally are drawn to the tens of thousands of firearms on display, but SHOT Show offers so much more
Grey Man Tactical’s products help turn piles of gear into organized gear
VirTra aims to increase the realism of simulation training with visual upgrades and electrical impulse simulations
Arthur C. Clarke said that any sufficiently advanced technology appears to be magic. I saw magic at some booths
Take a walk with us through some of the exhibits on display at SHOT Show’s famous Industry Day at the Range
It looks like you’re carrying a knife and not a magazine