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What’s the best perk of being a cop?

Three law enforcement professionals shared their opinions on the topic


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A question posted recently on Quora asked, “What is the best perk of being a cop?” Three law enforcement professionals shared their opinions on the topic, below. Check them out and tell us what you think are the best perks of the job in the comments section.

Tim Dees:
For me, it was about the fraternity. I felt like I belonged with other cops. If I was to tell another cop (one I didn’t previously know) that I was a police officer, their demeanor toward me would change radically, and for the better. I can walk into any police department in the U.S. and Canada (and other places, though I haven’t traveled a lot outside the U.S.) and be treated like a VIP. Some places are more welcoming than others, but I’ve never had my police or police retired status ignored completely.

Bob Cooke:
Camaraderie and making the world a little bit better. I felt great removing dangerous felons, drug dealers, and gang bangers from neighborhoods. I loved serving a high risk search warrant at 6:00 AM, walk the suspects outside to transportation vans and have neighbors come outside and thank us.

I loved going into a city and meeting up with local cops to develop an operational plan and investigation into one of their crooks that we had targeted. We had additional resources that many local agencies didn’t have and we shared whatever we had in the way of funds, equipment and manpower to conduct investigations with them.

I have made friends with hundreds of good people, from all over the USA, over the years because of my profession. Social media makes it easy to stay in contact with a great many of them. They include cops, fire fighters, prosecutors, a few defense attorneys, judges, DEA, ATF, FBI, members of local, state and federal lawmakers.

Christopher Hawk:
Job security. No matter what else happens with the economy, there will always be a need for police.

“The Question” section brings together user-generated articles from the Police1 Facebook page based on questions we pose to our followers, as well as some of the best content we find on Quora, a question-and-answer website created, edited and organized by its community of users who are often experts in their field. The site aggregates questions and answers for a range of topics, including public safety.

The views and opinions expressed in the questions and answers posted directly from Quora do not necessarily reflect those of P1.