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MBO has failed in police organizations due to a focus on performance measure as the outcomes of the process, ignoring the fact that the inputs are the most valuable piece of the MBO puzzle
Don’t take your chances with unhealthy and potentially tampered foods by doing your own meal prep
Many merchants offer special discounts to LEOs as a “thank you” for their service
To get into law enforcement, you have to be physically fit, emotionally balanced and mentally sharp – but how many of us maintain those qualities as our careers progress?
The right fuel will give you more stable energy levels throughout your shift, and you’ll be able to move faster in foot pursuits
How do law enforcement supervisors shape and refine these necessary mental attributes for responding officers?
Above all else, remember that if at first you don’t succeed, try again — harder
Set the scene, by introducing the people, property and other information before it is discussed
A veteran officer breaks down the rigorous process to land the job — do you have what it takes?
Working out not only relieves stress, but also helps reduce chronic body pain and the possibility of being injured on duty
So that you can beat all the odds that are against you, maintaining adequate LEO physical fitness should be your own personal condition of employment
The public expects police to be professionals — police agencies should expect no less from the psychologists who evaluate their personnel
Too many officers start out in top condition but allow their physical fitness to diminish
While it’s unlikely you’re going to enjoy the exam, there are some things you can do to help it go as smoothly as possible
Here’s what to expect if you decide to take the path of a Special Weapons and Tactics operator
Here are some of the strangest last words before execution
No matter how good your other skills are, if your stance doesn’t provide you with a stable shooting platform, you’re destined to be inconsistent
Not getting adequate rest can wreak havoc on your physical and mental health
Ditch the “all-or-nothing” attitude and replace it with “a little goes a long way” approach by following these five steps
Lose yourself in these songs as you work out for your physical and mental health
What you think might be good for you could have hidden surprises
A career in law enforcement is a calling and one that often cannot be ignored – even by some of America’s celebrities
On the first traffic stop I made alone it never crossed my mind that ‘Malarkey’ probably wasn’t the driver’s name
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Book showcases police uniforms from more than 60 cities
Five-step model assists with making repeatable and defendable decisions
It’s not about being paranoid, it’s about being prepared