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Crime Software

‘Paperwork’ may have gone digital, but most cops still say evidence management is a serious challenge, according to a recent Police1 survey
Find out how powerful software programs can provide actionable intelligence that helps law enforcement agencies solve, reduce and even prevent crime
Callyo provides technology that enables investigators to compile evidence more efficiently, communicate with victims and put traffickers behind bars
The new software for the Port Authority PD will “empower officers to stay connected and agile in dynamic operational environments,” Mark43 said
Sharing crime data empowers law enforcement agencies to analyze information from various sources, unveiling emerging crime patterns at a regional level
The true power of data sharing lies in relationships – here’s how to build them
Data sharing by and between police agencies is needed more than ever, but that process requires sensitivity and finesse
The 2023 IACP Conference set the tone for Cellebrite’s continued partnership with law enforcement agencies in fighting crime
Download this guide for strategies to improve investigations and ensure successful prosecutions
“Our mission is to produce video and other intelligence in real time and then disseminate that to our stakeholder”
Sharing data and insights help police, prosecutors and the private sector do their jobs better
Make sure your RTCC is prepared to manage your growing use of technology-driven policing
“It activates the community as a whole to be vigilant and to take care of not only themselves but their neighbors,” an officer said
Under the new policy, the LAPD must submit a detailed proposal to the commission before deploying a particular type of technology
Researchers used historical data to detect patterns over time per 1,000 square feet of Chicago
A $1.5 million approval is pending for the city of Birmingham to have a Real Time Crime Center
A software allows crime analysts stationed in each department to compare crimes logged into NYPD’s database
When the crime is the evidence, a web-based tool can help you investigate even after tagging or gang graffiti is removed or painted over
Using AI and facial recognition software for real-time crime reporting is the next logical progression in how police are already using existing technology
Technology provides cops with real-time analysis to inform crime reduction strategies specific to their communities
VISTA WiFi integrates in-car and body-worn camera systems allocating the recording decision to any camera within a synched group.
Learn how Hitachi’s Visualization Platform helps agencies make sense of the myriad data and video collected by officers on the street and third-party camera systems.
Grant funding for new technology systems is competitive, but these tips will help make your submission stand out.
Learn how to win grant money for much-needed predictive crime analytics software
Police1 recently asked readers if they were capable of turning video evidence into usable intelligence to solve crime. Here’s what we learned.