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Dan Phillips

Dan Phillips retired after serving 23 years as a military criminal investigator and 16 years in the security and counterintelligence fields for the federal service. Today he is a security manager for a major defense contractor.

Dan serves as the LEOSA program chair for the Washington state Fraternal Order of Police. He is a regular contributor to Police1 and has also written in Police Chief magazine.

Twenty years after LEOSA was passed, the newly proposed LEOSA Reform Act of 2024 aims to expand the rights of qualified law enforcement officers and retirees
Whether you are traveling by plane, train or automobile, planning ahead is key to a hassle-free trip when traveling with a concealed carry firearm
Age and disease may eventually leave you unable to handle firearms safely
Make sure you know the rules before crossing state lines with your firearm
With many ranges closed due to coronavirus restrictions, alternative practice methods are critical to maintaining your shooting skills
Most agencies do issue retiring officers the credentials that are required to carry a firearm under LEOSA, but it’s not always the case
Just as you wouldn’t operate a motor vehicle without liability insurance, you don’t want to carry a firearm without insurance either