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How to buy laser scanners (eBook)

Download this Police1 laser scanners buying guide to learn key steps for product selection, purchasing and implementation


There are many types of evidence that an officer can gather at a scene, but not all evidence is created equal. Photographs, for example, often help a jury see the scene from the photographer’s point of view. However, these pictures contain limited and often one-sided perspectives, leading criminal prosecutors to prefer video evidence over standard still images.

Video evidence, though, has significant limitations, especially in post-incident reconstruction cases. Video images are displayed in 2D (two dimensions), making it difficult to determine the distance and heights of objects and people. Like still pictures, video images only show one perspective—the videographer’s.

Prosecutors sought a better alternative to photographs and videos and found 3D laser scanners. The best form of visual display evidence comes from advanced laser scanner systems. Laser scanners are powerful tools that capture the finest details of crime scenes that traditional photographs and videos may leave out.

This Police1 guide addresses the key issues to consider when acquiring laser scanners.

Included in this guide:

  • Key considerations before purchasing laser scanners, ensuring you understand your department’s specific needs and the capabilities of different systems.
  • Top implementation strategies, helping you integrate laser scanners effectively into your operations.
  • Essential questions to ask vendors, enabling you to gather all necessary information for informed purchasing decisions.

Download your free copy of the comprehensive “How to Buy Laser Scanners” guide from Police1 by filling out the form today.