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NAUMD Announces the 2008-2009 Best Dressed Public Safety Awards Competition

Time is running out to enter the NAUMD Best Dressed Contest. You have until February 28, 2009 to enter. Go to and click on the Public Safety News tab on the left.

Each year NAUMD hosts its Best Dressed Competition, recently re-named NAUMD Best Dressed Public Safety Awards to honor and publicly acknowledge Police Departments, Fire Departments and all Public Safety organization as well as their NAUMD Member Uniform Suppliers as the very best uniformed organizations. This competition emphasizes the importance of professional, neat, well fitted, and immediately identifiable uniforms for all concerned in the vitally important role of public safety and law enforcement. The Award indicates a dedication of the Association’s Uniform Professionals to meet the exacting needs of today’s public safety professionals.

For more information and the submission form (pdf).