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Magnet Forensics launches Connections for Magnet AXIOM

Visually map the story of a file or artifact – how it was downloaded, shared, uploaded, and more

HERNDON, Va. — Magnet Forensics, a global leader in developing digital investigation software for smartphone, cloud, and computer examinations, today released Magnet AXIOM 1.2 with Connections – a new feature that simplifies the discovery and visualization of relationships between files and artifacts and their activity.

Magnet AXIOM is the most comprehensive, integrated digital investigation platform for uncovering and analyzing digital evidence. The new Connections feature leverages AXIOM’s ability to pull cloud data, smartphone data, and computer data into a single case file to identify key pieces of evidence and connect them to devices, suspects and other artifacts.

“The volume of data in each investigation continues to grow. This creates issues for teams who are trying to wade through all the digital evidence, making sense of it for everyone else involved in the case,” said Jad Saliba, CTO and Founder at Magnet Forensics. “Magnet Forensics is dedicated to helping our customers narrow results quickly and credibly. Connections in Magnet AXIOM will help reduce case backlog, make their findings even more defensible, and find more correlations in the evidence.”

“Connections gives examiners a way to discover and view the relationships between artifacts and files, and between evidence sources,” said Geoff MacGillivray, Vice President of Product Management at Magnet Forensics. “We know our customers need to help a lot of other people understand the story the evidence is telling. Connections is a way to map correlations and evidence activity that is credible and relatable.”

Additionally, investigative teams will be able to use Connections to:

  • Discover relevant “secondary” pieces of evidence
  • Learn where evidence came from
  • See where evidence is currently located
  • Discover how evidence was shared – transfers, emails, texts, etc.
  • See who evidence was shared with
  • Map out communications between contacts
  • Prove attribution through key OS artifact integration

Magnet Forensics also announced the launch of Magnet AXIOM Cloud today for recovery and analysis of cloud service and social network data that can be seamlessly integrated with smartphone and computer data. (Magnet AXIOM Cloud Now Available for Data Extraction and Analysis)

Magnet AXIOM helps at each stage of a digital investigation – from imaging devices and drives, to data recovery and processing, to data analysis, to reporting and collaboration.

  • Recover Data from the Most Sources – AXIOM is the only platform that captures and analyzes smartphone, cloud , computer, IoT, and third-party image data in a single case file, ensuring that nothing is missed.
  • A Better Investigative Starting Point – AXIOM recovers the deepest and most relevant artifact evidence and makes it easy to verify with integrated file system access.
  • The Most Collaborative Forensics Solution – AXIOM’s platform-agnostic approach enables you to ingest nearly any computer, smartphone, or cloud image for examination.
  • The Gold Standard for Usability – AXIOM’s intuitive user interface makes it easy for any examiner to hit the ground running.

To learn more about Connections in Magnet AXIOM, watch a short video ( or visit the Magnet AXIOM page:

About Magnet Forensics
Magnet Forensics is a global leader in the development of digital forensics software that acquires, analyzes and shares evidence from computers, smartphones and tablets. Magnet Forensics has been helping examiners and investigators fight crime, protect assets and guard national security since 2011. For more information, please visit Follow us on Twitter: @MagnetForensics and LinkedIn.