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Confrontation Management: Unflinching focus

The S.P.E.A.R SYSTEM’s (Spontaneous Protection Enabling Accelerated Response) is based on the bodies natural flinches. In any sort of surprise attack, there will almost always be a startle/flinch recoil from the danger. This action actually bypasses cognitive thought and conventional muscle-memory training during high stress attacks. While this may seem like a bad thing, it’s actually a very very good thing. This ‘flinch’ is the body’s survival system at work and its based on a physiological reflex designed to protect us all from danger.

Most importantly, because the startle/flinch is not really a perishable skill - once the officer has learned the conversions and embraced the premise, there is no longer any ‘muscle-memory’ interference with the body’s instinctive response.

Remember, the foundation and nucleus of the S.P.E.A.R. Systemä is based upon what the body will do prior to any training, making it the fastest, most natural way to move the human body. This process cuts muscle-memory training by about 80%, allowing anyone to improve more quickly and with greater confidence. Retention of the S.P.E.A.R. mechanics is vastly superior as the tactics taught are based on natural movements. The SPEAR SYSTEM’s mechanics are so gross- motor oriented and so reliable under stress that it is an ideal foundation for anyone of any gender, stature or experience. It does not displace other systems or methods and can really be used as a ‘bridge’ to your DT tool box.

But wait! I’m already certified. I have a black belt! I have a gun!! I graduated from the academy!!!


The Rationale For Continuing Your Education

We all want to win. But how many of us actually prepare to win? In th eimmortanl words of Bear Bryant:“The will to win compares little with the will to prepare to win.” How many of us have really studied street fights, victims & victors and the aftermath of the gutter fight? There are two types of opponents, those who resist a little and those who really fight back!! Statistically, it’s the ‘fighter’ who is responsible for police injures and conventional control systems do not address this type of aggressor. So let me ask you a question? Are you prepared for an aggrieve attack?

Police officers carry around a lot of tools, but in my years of teaching, researching, training, I’ve noticed that the close quarter sudden attack still presents the ultimate problem for most officers. Our tool box is missing a few tools! We all need to train, but we need to train for the opponent that represents the most amount of risk. Contemplate that. is the leading resource for law enforcement and police, providing officers, sheriff deputies, state highway patrol, federal agents, departments and agencies with access to breaking news, product discounts, equipment, gear, training, careers, community, Tony Blauer.