Gordon Graham here with Today’s Tip from Lexipol.
Today’s Tip is for anyone in public safety and it’s about effective time management. We are all limited to the same 24 hours each day. The demands of public safety are often unpredictable. It’s important to make the most of your time. I have some simple suggestions that should help you along.
Make a to-do list. It can be as simple as a short list of things that you need to accomplish during your shift. This helps you stay on-task and prevents assignments from being overlooked.
Use a journal or work calendar to keep you focused. Doing so allows you to identify times in your day for working on projects. This also allows you to see where your time goes. Have you ever wondered, just where did the day go?
In public safety, time management is difficult. But it’s not impossible. Rethink how to organize your day. Make a to-do list so you remain on task. Use calendars for long-term planning.
Effective time management will help you get everything done that you need to do. This will better equip you to serve your community. You might even experience a better overall quality of life. Remember, a lot of people are depending on you.
And that’s Today’s Tip from Lexipol. Until next time, Gordon Graham signing off.