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The Up-Beat: Top police heroes of May

Our monthly roundup of cops doing good across the nation

up beat may 2021

By Police1 Staff

From small gestures of kindness to incredible acts of heroism, police officers help their communities every day. Our monthly news roundup, The Up-Beat, aims to bring greater attention to these inspiring stories.

This month, we highlight heroic feats of physical fitness, a cop’s remarkable kidney donation and more stories of cops lending a hand. Do you have an uplifting story to share? Email or complete the box below.

1. Hero of the month: Officer Anthony Giorgio

Officer Anthony Giorgio is responsible for saving not one, not two, but three lives this month. The officer was enjoying his day off at the beach when he saw several kids had been caught by a rip current. Giorgio sprinted toward the water and made several roundtrip swims to help save the would-be victims.

Giorgio’s agency was quick to point out the enormity of his task, describing the distance to the swimmers as “half a football field.”

Great work, officer! FULL STORY

2. Conn. LEO donates kidney to complete stranger

Sgt. Chris Halstead makes his life’s mission to help people. Earlier this month, Halstead again gave part of himself to help someone – literally. After doing his research, Halstead decided to donate a kidney – to a total stranger! FULL STORY

3. Video: Va. LEO single-handedly lifts car off trapped woman

A Virginia deputy was commended for his grace – and strength – under pressure after he saved a woman pinned beneath her car. Bodycam video shows the moment that Holt, through “sheer will and determination,” lifted the car up. FULL STORY

4. Watch: NYPD cop sprints through Times Square with 4-year-old shooting victim

Officer Alyssa Vogel was praised for her quick action and commitment to a very young gunshot victim: a four-year-old girl. Video shows Vogel racing through busy streets with the girl in her arms to get to a medic as soon as possible. FULL STORY

5. Calif. officers deliver Mother’s Day flowers after arresting driver for DUI

When a DUI arrest threatened to derail Mother’s Day, a team of California police officers stepped up. FULL STORY