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4 Charged with Plot to Kill Police Chief

NEW MIAMI, Ohio (AP) - Four teenagers have been charged with plotting to kill the police chief of this small, southwest Ohio village, authorities said Tuesday.

The 15- and 16-year-old boys were charged with conspiracy to commit murder, said juvenile prosecutor Greg Stephens. Prosecutors want the boys to be tried as adults.

Chief Duane Pelfrey, head of the 10-member police force, said he has dealt with the suspects in the past, but would not elaborate. He has counseled one of them against getting involved with gangs and guns.

Pelfrey said he was investigating a series of car break-ins when he received a tip that youths were plotting to shoot him in front of police headquarters.

“I can only surmise there was some type of revenge or removing me so I wasn’t in the way,” said Pelfrey, 36. “We were trying to break up a little gang.”

The first suspect was arrested last week and the fourth on Sunday.

New Miami is a village of 2,500, about 20 miles north of Cincinnati.