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Local cop news with Capt. Mike Williams: 01.06.06 report

Strange Facts Surround Police Shooting Case. Man Shot 25 Times, Charged With Attempted Murder.

Police Lieutenant Kills Suspect After Taser Fails.

Police shooting in Winnipeg reawakened anger, confusion in family of another man killed by police last year.

Bear escapes from deputies despite Taser shock.

New York:
Man Stabs Officer, is Killed by Another in Yonkers.

Las Vegas:
Indiana Fugitive Found Dead In Vegas Motel.

Police: It was ‘suicide by cop’.

Pastor who spoke out against homosexuality arrested after propositioning male undercover officer.

North Carolina:
Fayetteville investigators searching for man who reportedly tried to run over a Cumberland Co. sheriff’s deputy.

Fraud Suspect Shot By Deputy In Critical Condition.

SLC adopts stricter Taser guidelines. Shocks: A suspect must now ‘aggressively resist or attempt to flee’ before use of the tool is authorized.

Police TASER Naked Man At Subway Restaurant. Suspect To Be Charged With Aggravated Assault Of Police Officer.

Mike Williams is the Assistant Chief of the Chattanooga TN police department and a 33 year law enforcement veteran. He was a SWAT officer for more than 25 years and teaches Tactical Team Commanders Courses for Team One Network Asst. Chief Williams is a member of the IALEFI Board of Directors ( ) and is chairman of the editorial committee. He also produces the daily Police Related News electronic newsletter which goes out to over 2,000 police officers in the US, Canada, Australia and South Africa on a daily basis and the weekly IALEFI newsletter.