Title: Shooter Galloway
Author: Roy Chandler
Roy, since I’ve been reading your stories – you continue to remain steadfast to your storytelling principles – A story which is spell-binding, interesting and often nearly as representative of realistic people as can be. No cussing, No overly sexual situations, the bad-guy or bad-guys always lose, often in a nasty yet satisfying way (at least to the reader) while the good-guy or main character, although often worse for the wear, rides off into the sunset so to speak.
Roy, I am once again amazed at your new book and how your new character Shooter Galloway seems to come alive as the story nearly scoops me up, so realistic and lifelike, it makes me feel that I am a major part of it. You’ve taken us into Shooter’s early years, as a child growing up in your own Pennsylvania meadows and woods, his adolescent years as he attends military school, and eventually winds up in the Marine Corps. His service in Desert Storm and return to the military school as an officer and instructor. Serves in a guard unit where he eventually returns to War, this time in Iraq.
My friend I just don’t know how you do it but your stories are absolutely without a doubt some of my favorite. I have spent many hours with your books/stories in my hands and always look forward to the next opportunity. I am proud to pass them onto my 16-year-old son who’s currently showing an interest in military service. Your stories tell it like it is.
If you have never sat down and read a Roy Chandler story, you’re really missing a great read. If you like to read stories about men who appreciate guns, especially rifles and know how to use them – get yourself a copy of Shooter Galloway and start reading it today.