The El Paso Times
EL PASO — Earlier this week, El Paso sheriff deputies arrested Adrian Marta, 34, who was wanted on multiple outstanding criminal warrants.
Marta was also wanted in connection with the shooting of a state trooper in December.
Marta was wanted by local law enforcement on charges of robbery; resisting arrest, search or transport; and evading arrest or detention. On Dec. 15, Marta allegedly attempted to flee on foot after a traffic stop by state troopers. Marta told the Times in January that the state trooper was shot during a scuffle. At the time of the incident, Marta had been on probation for an unrelated 2006 robbery case.
Marta was previously featured as the El Paso County Sheriff’s Office most wanted fugitive on Oct. 13’s “Manhunt Monday.” Marta was also previously featured as one of Crime Stoppers “Most Wanted” in the Oct. 5’s edition of the El Paso Times.
After Marta was featured on “Manhunt Monday,” sheriff’s deputies almost apprehended him on several occasions, sometimes missing him by mere minutes, according to sheriff’s officials. Sheriff’s officials say Marta had several contacts in the Lower Valley and was seen frequenting a mobile home park located in front of the Jail Annex.
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