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Former deputy accused of
threatening DEA Special Agent
[Albuquerque, NM]]

Police1 Staff Report
(ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.) -- A former Bernalillo County sheriff’s deputy serving time in prison for drug trafficking is currently on trial for threatening to kill the DEA Special Agent who put him there, according to the Albuquerque Journal.

Michael Lee Disney allegedly told fellow inmates that he had a “dream of revenge” and plotted to harm DEA agent Mike Marshall, according to the Assistant District Attorney prosecuting the case, Jack Burkhead.

Inmate Max Baca testified that Disney told him he wanted to get explosives so that he could “blow up Mike Marshall’s house.”

Timothy York, another inmate testified that Disney told him that he wanted to “put a bullet through Mike Marshall’s head.”

Richard Marquez, refuted Burkhead’s argument in his opening statement this past Tuesday. He said that the case against Disney consisted of “gossip, innuendo, miscommunication and self-serving witnesses.”

Marquez told the jury that Disney and Marshall had a professional relationship from 1996 to 1998 until it soured. He said that this case was the result of a grudge and that Marshall “set out on a crusade to destroy Mr. Disney.”