The Courier-Journal (Louisville, Ken.)
Louisville, KY -- A Kentucky probation and parole officer in Louisville was injured yesterday after being dragged by a pickup truck carrying an escaping man she’d just arrested.
The incident took place Wednesday afternoon after Richard Wells, 35, went to check in at the state parole office at 5001 Stephan Drive.
He was handcuffed and arrested for a probation violation, said Alicia Smiley, spokeswoman for Louisville Metro Police.
As Wells was being led outside to the parking lot to be taken to jail, he broke free and ran to the McDonald’s on Dixie Highway next to the probation office, Smiley said. Wells got inside a pickup truck in the McDonald’s lot, where his wife was waiting for him, Smiley said.
Wells’ wife, whom police didn’t identify, started to back out of the parking spot, but the engine quit, Smiley said. At that time, the probation officer, whom Smiley identified only as a 35-year-old female, reached to grab the keys from the ignition.
The truck started and continued to back up, dragging the officer a couple feet, Smile said. Then the truck went forward and the officer was able to escape as it left the scene at about 5 p.m.
The probation officer was taken to University Hospital with nonlife-threatening injuries, Smiley said.
Wells was on probation for first-degree burglary, but Smiley did not know what his violation was for. His last known address was in the Royal Gardens Apartments.