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LA County to Settle Lawsuit Over Cyclists’ Arrests During Democratic

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Cyclists who sued Los Angeles County claiming their civil rights were violated when they were arrested during the 2000 Democratic National Convention have won a $2.7 million settlement.

The suit claimed that women in the group were subjected to strip and body cavity searches in a jail corridor. In addition, the plaintiffs said they were denied telephone calls and medication, and were imprisoned for 12 hours after charges were dismissed.

On Tuesday, county supervisors voted to settle the lawsuit. The move follows a decision last month to set aside the money for a settlement.

The cyclists were arrested while staging a ride downtown to promote a bike-friendly environment. Police said the cyclists ignored traffic laws and showed a disregard for safety.

The plaintiffs’ lawyers say the settlement will compensate 71 clients, 23 of them women. The women plaintiffs will receive $70,000 each and the men $5,000 each.