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Mike Williams’ 03.20.06 local cop news

Arizona: A Phoenix police officer and a veteran sheriff’s canine are recovering after a shootout over the weekend that left the suspect dead at the scene.

A man who shot a Phoenix police officer and holed himself up in his home is found dead.

Michigan: A 47-year-old Munising man is awaiting arraignment in 93rd District Court after allegedly holding an emergency room nurse hostage for several hours early Saturday morning.

Philadelphia: Officials Look Into Police Shooting of robbery suspect.

Chicago: Man severs own penis, throws it at officers.

Texas: A man suspected of stealing merchandise from a store was shot by police with a Taser gun Friday afternoon after leading them on a chase through north Dallas and colliding head-on with a police car.

California: Lure of a letter ends an 11-hour standoff. About 1:30 a.m. Saturday, police use a relative’s message to coax an armed burglary suspect from his motor home; after a burst of bullets and tear gas, the man is arrested.

Virginia: (This is definitely a contingency you need to plan and train for. It is quite common and has happened to us at least once. A soon to be ex-husband came back to his former home, threatened his wife and kids then barricaded inside. He set the house on fire while we were deploying and we thought the wife and kids were still inside but could not enter due to the intensity of the fire. Luckily, the family got out. He came to the door with a shotgun then finally surrendered as flames engulfed the house. Definitely needs to be “what if’ed and dirt dived with your local Fire Department and EMS.) Police Say Man Threatened To Set Home On Fire During Standoff.

California: Sheriff, cops in dispute on Taser cases. Santa Clara County Sheriff Laurie Smith says a group of high-ranking San Jose police tried to pressure the county coroner’s office to stop listing Tasers as a factor in officer-involved deaths.

Mike Williams is the Assistant Chief of the Chattanooga TN police department and a 33 year law enforcement veteran. He was a SWAT officer for more than 25 years and teaches Tactical Team Commanders Courses for Team One Network Asst. Chief Williams is a member of the IALEFI Board of Directors ( ) and is chairman of the editorial committee. He also produces the daily Police Related News electronic newsletter which goes out to over 2,000 police officers in the US, Canada, Australia and South Africa on a daily basis and the weekly IALEFI newsletter.