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Mike Williams’ 04.23.07 local cop news

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Texas: Tense SWAT situation ends with dramatic rescue.

New York: Two suspects in police officer shooting.

California: Two police officers fatally shot a man early after robbery, suspect firing on them.

California: A combination of factors led to the death of a man who was shot twice with an electric stun gun while struggling with sheriff’s deputies in Vista, an official said Thursday.

California: Standoff ends after tear gas.

Pennsylvania: Lawsuit over SWAT shooting goes to jury.

Florida: Little known fire unit part of SWAT team. Fire medics go through police training to support officers at crime scenes.

Missouri: St. Louis officer recovering after downtown shooting.

Baltimore: Officer wounds driver of car that he believed was aimed at him.

Georgia: Police officer helps save a man from a burning home. Firefighters say if the officer waited just two more minutes, the victim wouldn’t have survived.

Virginia: Henrico County police officers chased a robbery suspect into the city Friday night, and one of the officers shot and wounded the suspect after he brandished a gun, Richmond police said.

Florida: Officials reevaluate school security nationwide.

Mike Williams is the Assistant Chief of the Chattanooga TN police department and a 33 year law enforcement veteran. He was a SWAT officer for more than 25 years and teaches Tactical Team Commanders Courses for Team One Network Asst. Chief Williams is a member of the IALEFI Board of Directors ( ) and is chairman of the editorial committee. He also produces the daily Police Related News electronic newsletter which goes out to over 2,000 police officers in the US, Canada, Australia and South Africa on a daily basis and the weekly IALEFI newsletter.