March 22, 2001
(DUDLEY, Mass.) – A Boston newspaper is seeking access to a search warrant filed during the investigation into the killings of two Dartmouth College professors.
Prosecutors have asked a judge to keep the affidavits under seal in the “active but incomplete” investigation. They argue that friends of the two high school students charged with murder have been reluctant to give information to investigators and might be even less willing to talk if they know more details about what police have found.
Half and Suzanne Zantop were stabbed in their home near the Dartmouth campus in Hanover, N.H., in late January. Robert Tulloch and James Parker of Chelsea, Vt., were arrested in Indiana in February.
The Boston Herald has asked Judge Vito Virzi in Worcester County, Mass., to unseal a search warrant he issued for the Audi that Tulloch and Parker left at a truck stop in Sturbridge, Mass. The judge has not yet ruled on the motion.
A New Hampshire grand jury has been hearing evidence in the case. In court papers, prosecutors suggested they were forced to take the case to the grand jury so that witnesses could be compelled to testify.