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Police Have New Technology To Help Combat Crime; Camera Reads, Analyzes License Plates

ABC News - Australia

Western Australian police have unveiled new technology which automatically detects unlicensed drivers, unregistered cars and people wanted for serious crimes.

Police say two new cameras which are connected to the police computer system can automatically recognise number-plates which are not registered or are driven by people who have suspended licences.

Each camera costs $40,000 and about 20 officers are needed to run the operations.

Police Minister Michelle Roberts says disqualified drivers have a higher risk of being involved in a car accident than the rest of the population.

“Just in the short time that we’ve had this operating we’ve picked up quite a number of vehicles,” she said.

“It’s particularly pleasing to see that we’ve caught at this stage three recidivist drink drivers, they’re the kind of people we want to see off the road.”