The Associated Press
JENKINS, Ky. (AP) -- A Virginia man suspected of dealing in drugs was shot to death during an investigation in Letcher County.
James Edward Alexander, 62, of Lebanon, Va., was shot twice in the chest on Wednesday, said Letcher County Deputy Coroner Robbie Campbell. Alexander died at the scene, Campbell said.
Kentucky State Police Trooper Tim Kilburn said the shooting occurred during an investigation into marijuana trafficking in the eastern Kentucky town.
Kilburn identified the officer involved as Sgt. Bobby Day, a 12-year veteran of the state police who was working in special operations. Kilburn said Day has been placed on administrative leave pending an investigation, which is standard procedure after a police shooting.
The shooting occurred about 12:30 p.m. EST.
Kilburn said police were trying to buy drugs from the man, though he wasn’t sure whether an informant or an officer was trying to make the purchase. Sometime during the transaction, state police fired at the suspect.
The victim’s body was taken to the state medical examiner’s office in Frankfort, where an autopsy will be performed. Campbell and Kilburn said that was typical procedure in a shooting death involving a state trooper.