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Virginia Tech president responds to NIU shootings

Chicago Daily Herald

The following is an open letter written by Virginia Tech President Charles Steger in response to the mass shooting at Northern Illinois University Thursday. A gunman killed 33 people, including himself, on Virginia Tech’s campus April 16, 2007.

As I write, events are unfolding at Northern Illinois University where a mass shooting occurred. Already we know that more than a dozen are wounded. This horrific news will certainly bring to mind the hurt, pain, and trauma we experienced less than a year ago.

I have sent my condolences and offer of assistance to the president of NIU. Our university community was bolstered and comforted by the outpouring of support from campuses around the nation and the world.

I am sure that expressions of support from the Virginia Tech community will mean much to that now suffering campus community.

We should take this opportunity now to reach out and help each other. I am convinced that our university community coped because of our care and concern for every member of the extended Hokie Family. I ask you to look out for your each other and seek help through university services if necessary.

I wish you the best.