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Watch out for Christmas camouflage

A few years ago, I posted a tip in this space that I’d like to revisit today — don’t assume that a wrapped box with a bow on it is really what it appears to be, because during the Christmas season, drug runners have been known to capitalize on the season as a perfect time to move major loads.

They may be counting on their own sobriety to get through a DUI checkpoint with a major haul of contraband. A car full of wrapped presents in the back seat may look harmless — and it very well and could be — but appearances can be deceiving.

Take the time — even during the holidays — to ask questions. Listen to the answers. Repeat key questions and look for inconsistencies.

1.) Where are you going?
2.) Who are you visiting?
3.) How long will you be there?
4.) Where are you coming from?
5.) How long is it going to take to get to your destination?

Maintain a high level of vigilance, curiosity, and awareness during every stop, regardless of when you make it and what you see on initial contact.

Over the years, cops have pulled drug hauls out of piles of “presents” stacked in a trunk. Maybe this year, that’ll be you.

Stay safe my brothers and sisters.

Doug Wyllie writes police training content on a wide range of topics and trends affecting the law enforcement community. Doug was a co-founder of the Policing Matters podcast and a longtime co-host of the program.