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Imprisoned border agent assaulted by illegal immigrants

PR Newswire US

CHESAPEAKE, Va. — Former Border Agent, Ignacio “Nacho” Ramos was brutally attacked by as many as five illegal immigrant inmates on Saturday evening (2/3) following the airing of an America’s Most Wanted segment featuring both Ramos and Compean.

According to family members, the attack began around 10 pm, after Ramos fell asleep. “Nacho was assaulted Saturday night by about five illegal immigrants who were yelling at him in Spanish, Maten a la migra — which means kill the Border Patrol Agent.” He has multiple and severe injuries. They put him in isolation for now and he may not have received medical attention for up to 48 hours.

Another family member confirmed that his attackers beat him with repeated blows and kicks. Ramos suffered wounds to his back, shoulder, arms and head. Additionally, there is concern that Agent Ramos was not given medical treatment immediately after the incident and may not have received medical attention for up to 48 hours. An investigation is expected to be launched Tuesday.

“Our government has betrayed these agents,” said Grassfire President Steve Elliott. “And now they have put these men in mortal danger. I am frightened for the lives of these two family men. This is beyond outrage, and I am calling on grassroots Americans to express their outrage directly to the White House — demanding the President pardon agents Ramos and Compean before it’s too late!”, will be in Washington, D.C., tomorrow (2/7) to present more than 295,000 petitions demanding the pardon of Ramos and Compean of protest to key leaders in Congress.

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