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Photo: Wash. cop shares lunch with homeless man

After asking the man if he was hungry, the deputy sat down, gave the man some of his lunch and ate with him

By Police1 Staff

PIERCE COUNTY, Wash. — A passerby snapped a photo of a sheriff’s deputy enjoying lunch with a homeless man on the side of the road.

Fox 13 reports the officer, who wishes to remain unnamed, witnessed the homeless man panhandling and began speaking with him. After asking the man if he was hungry, the deputy sat down, gave the man some of his lunch and ate with him.

(Darren Ballard/Facebook Image)

Local resident Darren Ballard snapped a photo of the pair together and shared it on Facebook, where it garnered high praise from users.

“These type of incidents happen quite often in our department,” Pierce County Sheriff’s Office Detective Ed Troyer told Fox 13.

The homeless man reportedly told the officer he expects to get housing in less than a month.