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Flag honoring police sparks dispute at Conn. Capitol

The thin blue line flag was donated by State Capitol Police to honor law enforcement officers

Associated Press

HARTFORD, Conn. — Connecticut Republicans are seeking to return artwork featuring a police-themed flag to the state Capitol.

The handmade wooden plaque featuring what is known as the Thin Blue Line flag had been displayed for two months until it was removed this week over concerns that it was disrespectful to the Black Lives Matter movement.

The Thin Blue Line flag has the design of an American flag with a blue line replacing a white stripe.

House Republican leader Themis Klarides said the flag should be promptly reinstated, and the suggestion that the flag is anything other than honorable is “categorically false.”

Klarides says the flag was donated by State Capitol Police to honor law enforcement officers.

Democratic state Rep. Brandon McGee previously supported removing the flag. His spokesman said Thursday that McGee now wants the flag back up and has submitted a formal request to managers who oversee Capitol operations.

McGee’s change in tone came after he met with the head of the state Fraternal Order of Police, John Krupinsky, who says people don’t understand the true meaning of the flag.

The Office of Legislative Management told WVIT-TV while artwork is usually put through an approval process, they felt the flag was appropriate to hang without vetting in Police Memorial Hall.

The office said they also decided to remove the artwork.

The piece is now in storage to be returned to its owner.