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Video: Mob attacks French police officers at New Year’s Eve party

The president of France has promised punishment for the suspects seen beating and kicking an officer in Paris in a viral video

By Police1 Staff

PARIS — The president of France has promised punishment for the suspects seen beating and kicking an officer near Paris in a viral video.

The New York Daily News reports that the video posted on Snapchat shows the assailants repeatedly striking an officer in the head while she’s on the ground. She and another officer were called about a complaint of an overflowing New Year’s Eve party before the attack.

The video also captured people flipping over a car before reinforcements arrived and dispersed the crowd.

The officer received wounds to her face, while her partner suffered a broken nose. Both officers were treated and released from a hospital on Monday and are taking time off work, BFMTV reports.

French President Emmanuel Macron condemned the “cowardly and criminal” attack on the officers and promised that the assailants will be punished.