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Crowd Control

The Crowd Control topic focuses on the difficult task of controlling large groups of people with a limited number of police officers and resources. The police crowd control articles and tips in this section focus on strategy, policy, planning and tactics that can help quell a riled-up crowd and riot gear — helmets and shields — that will keep them safe in the process.

Law enforcement must be prepared for the worst when a controversial verdict is read, protestors become violent or a sports team wins a championship and the celebration spills to the streets.

Police departments must prepare to use proven team tactics for crowd control to ensure demonstrations remain peaceful and lawful assemblies
Be cognizant of what is working – and what is not – and be flexible enough to change tactics quickly as needed
Both the public and cops have many misconceptions about police crowd control
Failure to plan is planning to fail, and that’s glaringly evident when large-scale civil unrest breaks out
“We have been diligently preparing...for appropriate response to demonstrations, crowd control and the exercising of our First Amendment rights,” Portland Chief Bob Day said
When officers had no designated impact tool, necessity inspired officers to use firearms, radios, or flashlights to avoid the use of deadly force
A drone equipped with a large speaker and boom microphone was created for first responders as a tool for safer two-way communication with large crowds
If your agency doesn’t have a plan for how to deal with fire as a weapon, it’s time to get to work
Law enforcement needs the tools to maintain situational awareness
“We have people who showed up here to commit acts of violence. They wanted chaos,” said Chicago Police Superintendent Larry Snelling
Advanced protective helmets are essential, providing crucial protection while being lightweight and comfortable enough for extended wear
During pre-event contacts, share these key strategies with demonstrators to help maintain order and prevent conflicts during protests
This resource reviews each phase of a protest response that can be tailored to meet individual community and agency needs and resources
The incident occurred during a chaotic protest over the construction of a new homeless shelter in the council member’s district
How innovative solutions and best practices can enhance coordination, maintain public safety and foster harmony during periods of heightened tension
Exploring the ever-growing array of options and implements that promise to restore order to out-of-control situations
Download this Police1 riot response gear buying guide to learn key steps for product selection, purchasing and implementation
Download this Police1 drones/unmanned aircraft systems buying guide to learn key steps for product selection, purchasing and implementation
A reserve San Jose PD officer was trying to reach an injured person when “his patrol car was overrun by spectators who prevented him from providing aid”
The cost of public safety for NFL games increased due to a 2018 public safety audit and a 2020 officer pay increase to double time for security details
This “eyes in the sky” equipment helps boost safety for community members
The standard for whether speech is protected has evolved to provide more protection
Officers have received fresh de-escalation training, while about 3,000 officers are undergoing specialized training to “respond directly to civil unrest and the possibility of riots”
Use the promo code DISPOSABLE20 for 20% off Tri-Fold restraints and accessories
A review of the effective strategies and calm professionalism of police forces nationwide in managing recent civil disturbances
Police should understand that protesting is no longer relegated to a lone spot on the map, but could emerge almost anywhere
Host cities for the FIFA Soccer World Cup 2026 like Atlanta are leveraging federal, state and local partnerships to strengthen riot control units, foster technology collaboration and implement joint intelligence gathering
“Those involved utilized chains, barrels and pipes to chain themselves together and block the roadway.”
Firing your weapon to stop an imminent deadly threat may be the most difficult decision you ever have to make