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Mo. police ready “Operation Bad Candy” to nab drug suspects

By Glenn E. Rice
The Kansas City Star

CLAY COUNTY, Mo. — Teams of police and other Clay County law enforcement officers early this morning conducted an areawide drug sweep to round up persons wanted on outstanding warrants.

“Operation: Bad Candy,” is the culmination of an 18-month undercover operation conducted by the Clay County Drug Task Force. Indictments were recently handed down on 62 persons accused of possession and distributing illegal drugs throughout the county, said Clay County Prosecutor Daniel White.

“Drug peddlers are becoming increasingly more sophisticated,” White said. “While we do have the folks who are selling drugs — particularly marijuana and meth — to pay for their own usage, we also have individuals who sell because they see it as a business.”

“We are seeing sophisticated grow operations as well as well-organized meth labs,” he said.

Fifty-three uniformed officers from a various Northland police departments gathered at 4:30 a.m. at the Shoal Creek Patrol Division to receive a briefing and arrest warrants they will to serve throughout Wednesday. The officers will pair in teams and sweep through the Northland.

In June, Kansas City police officers and Clay County sheriff’s deputies arrested 74 persons who were behind in their child support payments.

Those arrested in the sweep, called Operation: Deadbeat Dads, owed a total of $913,794 in child support, White said.

Officials said this morning that they expected to arrest more than half of those who are wanted on various drug charges.

Clay County Sheriff Paul Vescovo said they wanted to use the element of surprise to rouse the suspected drug dealers from their beds.

“It is best to do in one fell swoop,” Vescovo said. “By this afternoon, some (of the suspects) will scatter like a covey of squall.”

Copyright 2007 The Kansas City Star